The CrosbyReport blog

Peter Crosby, author of the CrosbyReport blog.

The CrosbyReport blog is a sly SEO trick intended to “cast a wider net,” attracting more web traffic and increasing the number of subscribers to my email newsletter. My blog also provides an opportunity to write about topics that don’t really fit comfortably under the umbrella of a travel-oriented website—everything from technology to finance. Yeah, theme-wise, the CrosbyReport blog is kinda all over the board. Enjoy!

Dinosaurs are so cute.

Dinosaurs are so cute.

The lizards down here are the coolest. Unlike those annoying cockroaches and spiders–who flock to my kitchen like a welfare recipient to a government cheese truck–when they see anyone coming,…
Sports = Indianapolis

Sports = Indianapolis

Indianapolis likes to say that it “never met a sport it didn’t like.” In the past few months I’ve seen the Capital City embrace football, hockey, bicycling, and the old…