Hero produces map that lists every airport’s wifi network and password.

I’m sure he didn’t set out to save the world, but he did.
Wifi symbol

I'm sure he didn't set out to save the world, but Anil Polat, a blogger and computer engineer who's been traveling around the world for the past seven years, has done just that. Sort of.

This hero has created a Google (and now there's an app for that) that lists free networks and passwords for all the major , all around the world. to Anil, you'll never have to pay another dime to Boingo—or any other wifi service provider—for spotty and slow internet access while traveling.

Anil is my travel hero.

Anil's map is really great, and a boon to every traveler with a smartphone, but he can't keep it current all by himself (he has some kind of day job, I assume). He needs your help to keep the list up-to-date. As Anil puts it:

“This list becomes more useful the more you send me passwords you find at airports. If you get any lounge passwords, or for other access points, please leave a comment on this post or email me directly.”

So help this travel hero help you out. You'll thank him again the next time you're stuck in an for four hours with no cellular connection and thing to do but play Solitaire.

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